
Swiss Flag Raising at San Francisco City Hall

  • Aug 5, 2022
  • Commerce Politics Uncategorized

Happy Swiss National Day! Impressions from the Swiss Flag Raising by Ambassador Balz Abplanalp, Consul General of Switzerland, at San Francisco City Hall with representatives […]

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USA and Swiss

New details released regarding travelling to the USA

  • Oct 27, 2021
  • Commerce Politics Uncategorized

Dear members and friends, On October 25, the White House has released further details regarding travels from Switzerland (and other countries) to the USA. Starting […]

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USA and Swiss

New Swiss Amcham Report on the Future of Swiss Companies in the USA

  • Sep 29, 2021
  • Commerce Politics Uncategorized

Dear members and friends, Yesterday, September 28, 2021, we published a new report “Economics of change: Exploring opportunities and challenges of Swiss companies in the […]

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USA and Swiss

US Chapter Report Q1, 2021

  • Mar 24, 2021
  • Commerce Politics Uncategorized

US Chapter Report Q1, 2021 Dear members of the local US Chapters, A Chinese saying, normally hurlded at enemies, says “May you live in interesting […]

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USA and Swiss

U.S. Treasury labels Switzerland a currency manipulator – let’s not get overly excited!

  • Dec 18, 2020
  • Commerce Politics Uncategorized

On December 16, 2020, the US Treasury released its semi-annual report “Macroeconomic and Foreign Exchange Policies of Major Trading Partners of the United States”. In […]

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SACC Christmas Event 2019

  • Feb 14, 2020
  • Commerce Politics Uncategorized

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Experience Exchange Meeting

  • Aug 28, 2019
  • Commerce Politics Uncategorized

On July 24th, the Consulate General of Switzerland and swissnex San Francisco invited a delegation of Swiss entrepreneurs, corporate executives from the Bay Area as […]

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USA and Swiss

US chapter report H1, 2019

  • Aug 28, 2019
  • Commerce Politics Uncategorized

Dear members of the local US Chapter Boards, After a successful Annual General Meeting on June 24 (see the latest Businessnews, the final redaction […]

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USA and Swiss

Quarterly overview of Swiss Amcham issues (September 2018)

  • Sep 21, 2018
  • Commerce Politics Uncategorized

This is a working document summarizing the main issues currently covered by Swiss Amcham. Issues may belong to one and/or the other main thrusts of […]

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USA and Swiss

Swiss-US Business relationship: A great success story is at risk!

  • Sep 13, 2018
  • Commerce Politics Uncategorized

We need a Swiss-USA Free Trade Agreement Now! Dear members and friends, Welcome back from a record summer. I hope you are well relaxed and […]

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